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About is a private membership collective which shares from the depth of our experience and care. You are welcome to join.
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As natural human beings, representative of all of humanity, it is our duty to embody Natural Lore and encourage others to live in compassion, care and collaboration.

We extend this invitation to you, to consciously choose a more wholesome way of living by bringing this Agreement into your awareness. Our Association uses this language to indicate that we have not only developed agreements for you, but for ourselves as well. The word Association means “to bring together” and the word Agreement means “mutual understanding and congruence”. It really is that simple.

“We” are the consultants, care takers, growers, visionaries and participants that have dedicated ourselves to a congruent way of being. The Teacher Plants, and that which brought them into existence, are the foundational elements that inspired this Association of Agreements into a daily way of living with others.

We are;

  • Self-responsible human beings and not mechanical processors
  • Non- sectarian in religion, politics, health, science and community
  • Committed to lives of learning and sharing in clear perception
  • Highly alert to the requirements of maintaining protected and well managed internet and technological functions
  • Utilising a Not-for-profit, Private Members Association structure to enable accountability for and with all those involved in our Projects including
  • Extending our Resources ONLY for the explicit use of those in Agreement. Any disrespect to this Agreement will result in limited use of, or non-access to, our resources

You are;

  • A self-responsible human being and not a mechanical processor
  • Respectful of others’ beliefs and ideals, even when they appear to be in contradiction to your own
  • Open to learning and sharing if and as appropriate
  • Capable of communicating with a team member if you encounter any technical issues or other issues that may arise from entering this site.
  • Agreeing to utilise our Resources ONLY for your personal or professional use as indicated. Any disrespect to this Agreement will result in limited use of, or non-access to, our resources including platform itself and those associated with it.
  • Agreeing, as a community member, to abide in the Purpose of Power Ignites – Not for Profit, Private Members Association


General Purpose - Our mission is to create a profound impact on human well-being with a holistic

approach to individual and community structures, ensuring low impact on our environment. In

identifying and addressing core challenges, we will co-create and collaborate with our members in

developing and maintaining sustainable pilot programmes. These activities will encourage active participation, whilst promoting self-sufficiency to assist overcome the diverse range of societal challenges faced by our members and the greater community.

We will also focus on far reaching and comprehensive education through growing community awareness. Our purpose is to create a sustainable live resource platform that empowers members and the community to actively contribute their skills and services so they can foster a more fulfilling wellness, self-sufficient, and positive transformation amongst the community members.

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Existing Ubuntu Wellness Clients - REGISTER HERE

New clients - APPLY HERE

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Client Support: 0415 207887

Order direct: 0425 213 544

Head Office
Natural Lore and Ubuntu Care 02 49261881
97 Hunter Street Newcastle NSW 2300